Hate this sequel
They've waited years to make a wasteful sequel. Sighs. Terrible film.
it's campy compared to the original Carrie
Do you even know what campy means michaeljcarey?
The music / they way they filmed the movie/ and the over-the-top religious mother were what made the movie a classic. Keep in mind this was in the 70s, so this was a good movie for that time (Classic).
As for the over-religious kook mother you described, are you kidding me? How is that campy? IT'S HER CHARACTER. THAT IS WHAT SHE WAS PAID TO PORTRAY. It's her role. The fact that you mentioned the religious mother as one of the reasons for it being "campy" shows that you're not that qualified to give critiques for movies.
Don't get me wrong, I respect your opinions. I don't care if you think the movie is "campy," it's just the reasoning behind it that needs work.