I love this film

It's got Hinduism, interracial couples, erotic urination, cross dressing, bisexuality, homosexuality, infidelity, depth, passion, music, India, fashion--there are so many things crammed into this one little film--not to mention Birkenstocks, hippies, alanis morrisette, nudity, philosophy, travel, cults, Gods and Godesses, meditation--its so full, this film; so very full--every time I watch it I'm surprised--its one of the most brilliant films of all time.


I definitely think this movie was all about a misogynistic man getting the tables turned on him by someone he thinks he can manipulate. While the tables are turned, they both seem to learn a little about themselves. I find it so funny that he ends up still submissive to her at the very end with that email. Very well played out by both actors!
I can't believe that I just now saw this movie...9 years after being made. This should be shown in a Woman's Studies class or sometime when the subject of misogyny and woman's dominance/submission is being discussed.
I get the feeling that a lot of guys wouldn't like this movie...just a guess though.

There's vampire in your cleavage.
