MovieChat Forums > Holy Smoke (1999) Discussion > ANYBODY else have this problem???

ANYBODY else have this problem???

Harvey Kietel!!! EEEEWWWW!!! To me, he is NOT attractive at all. He is fat, old, disgusting. Every single time a sex scene, love scene,would come up, I would either fast forward it, close my eyes, or turn away. I almost got sick watching Harvey Kietel in the intimate scenes. He is just disgusting to me. They couldnt have gotten a more attractive actor??? Why, HIM, of all people???
And the fact he makes those sick, weird noises while "going down on her" (and he also makes those sounds in the same situation in the movie Piano), its just sick and it turned my stomach! If I am going to watch a love scene, make out session, sex scene, I would like it to be a "believeable" scene where I can actually imagine a girl would infact do a man like that. Harvery Kietel in sex scene/love scene=GROSSE!!!!!!!


Harvey Keitel ne m'attire pas non plus au premier abord.
Mais dans la leçon de piano comme dans ce film, on comprend que l'héroïne succombe. Il possède un charme étrange. Il séduit par sa personnalité et son intelligence.
Dans ce film comme dans la leçon de piano, on explore le mystère de l'amour.
C'est ce qui est beau. Comment par un geste, un mot, une personne qui ne répond pas aux canons de la beauté et n'est pas du tout au premier abord notre "type physique" peut-elle nous séduire...
pari réusii dans les deux cas.



Sorry you couldn't get wet, the director obviously failed in her intentions. Matthew McConaughey's touted to take on the role in the sequel though, so all's not lost.
