MovieChat Forums > Holy Smoke (1999) Discussion > were Any 'Body Doubles' used ... ???

were Any 'Body Doubles' used ... ???

... for Kate Winslet ??? ... if-not , then She's the Chubbiest Vegetarian that I've ever seen (kinda sexy tho).


Chubby? Nahhh, Curvaceous? Yeah.

She was chubbier in 'Titanic'.



How can you say "Chubby? Naahhh, Curvaceous? Yeah." and then say she was "CHUBBIER" in Titanic?! She is gorgeous! Or wait, do you like women who weigh as much as an 8 year old child and looks like a skeleton? Women would KILL to look like her so you watch who you call chubby! That's why we have GIRLS who are 100lbs thinking they're FAT. Kate is one of the most, if not the most, honest film stars out there. She is healthy and BEAUTIFUL!


No there were not and you are an idiot if you think that woman is chubby! She is definitely thinner than the average woman, and definitely not the "normal" hollywood weight -- Do you LIKE woman that starve themselves and look like skeletons?! You are DISGUSTING.


You're all wrong.

She was chubby AND beautiful.

My girlfriend is much thinner, and very healthy thankyou, so don't assume that all thin girls are unhealthy, or that they need to starve themselves to be unhealthy and thin.

Most people I know who are overwieght have loads of health problems, stemming from their wieght (diabetes/ sleep apnoea/ ect...). Quite converesly, none of the people who I know who are thinner than Kate was in this movie have these same health problems.

I also worked in a sleep disorders clinic for quite some time. Guess what the vast majority of diagnoses were? Lose weight!

To clarify, however, I would not call Kate overweight here. I would say her sister appears overweight, from the scenes in India at the begining of the movie, but without seeing her in person (or knowing her BMI) it's hard to say for sure.

Being overweight is a problem. It is wrong for a person to think otherwise. Being overwieght WILL degrade ones' qualite of life. There's no point in attacking thin people and assuming they have to starve themselves to be thin. Just eat right, and have an active lifestyle. It's not hard to do, and it's not rocket science.

Ps: BMI = Body mass index = Weight (in Kilograms) divided by [Height (in meters) multiplied by height (again in meters) ]
For the average person, BMI (below 19 = underweight) (19-25 = Healthy) (25-30 = overweight) (30-40 = obese) (40+ = Morbidly Obese). These are general guidelines, and need not apply to everybody. For exapmle, bodybuilders might turn up BMI's of 55+, and yet still only have less than 7% body fat.

Pps. It's suspected that anorexia could be due to defective or damaged parts of the brain. in specific, the venrto-medial hypothalamus, and the lateral hypothalamus are both heavily implicated in Body Image. Anorexia is a disease, not a fashion statement.


Kate is gorgeous and hot.

Thanks for the info, razar.


Kate has said in interviews that she loves getting naked. Also, chubby vegetarians are not uncommon. Just cause they cut meat out of their diet they can still consume sugary foods and foods that have lots of carbs which break down into sugars.


now that every idiot has had a turn on their soapbox, and everyone is done espousing their agendas, can someone just answer the @$#%%^ question -- were body doubles used?

the dudebert abides


No. Kate likes getting naked if it's right for the part. She's a very confident woman.


I just saw the movie this weekend and her Body was smoking!!!!!! Banging and I was like whoa!!!!!


No body doubles were used and she's not chubby by a long shot.

I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats.


Copied from

Kate Winslet: British actress Kate Winslet (Titanic, Sense and Sensibility) has admitted to struggling with eating disorders and Kate is honest and outspoken about her life-long weight problems. "My uncle is a chef. My mother is a fantastic cook. We're all big eaters. It was kind of unavoidable." In high school, she was a bit heavier and classmates called her "Blubber." The criticisms led to depression and eating disorders. Today, Kate Winslet is healthy, she loves her body and her curves and refuses to play the 'super-skinny game'. "I'm happy with the way I am. I'm not like American film stars. I'm naturally curvy. This is me, like it or lump it. People think that if a woman isn't rail-thin, then there must be something wrong with her - it's such nonsense."


Chubby vegetarians are not hard to find because they can still eat cheese, ice cream etc. Now fat vegans are a bit harder to find.
