Why all the Barney hate?

Barney is not that bad a show, and I do not understand why people hate it so much. Yeah, the show is sugarcoated, portrays life as a 100% happy thing, and is nauseatingly saccharine. So? It’s a children’s show people. What happened to the idea that your childhood is suppose to be the happiest moment of your life? Life sucks. There are lots of bad things that happen to you, and adults do all kinds of stupid, self destructive things just to numb the pain. Your childhood, your pre-school years is the one moment of your life when everything is blissful. Your parents shield you from things that are negative, and if you don’t like something, you can cry and hold a tantrum, and people will understand you somewhat. What’s wrong with a little happiness? Kids are growing up too fast as it is, what with the Internet and all. The Information Age made everything faster, including human growth. There are emotions other than happiness, and kids will learn it soon, in ugly, unexpected ways. But until then, let’s just leave them and their purple dino bliss alone.

Accept the Lord Christ as your savior my friends.



Well, the show is a bit sugarcoated, but it doesn't always have happy feelings 100% of the time. More like 95%. There have been episodes where kids have been scared by a thunderstorm, felt sad because they can't play a game as well as others, etc. Other than that, you're right. I'm a huge fan of it, so I know my facts well.

*Anything can happen, if you let it. Life is out there waiting, so go and get it.*


Because Barney is a pedo and
i surely dont want my young
children around him/it


I haven't watch Barney since I was five or six. I remember I used to loathe it as only a child could loathe. Now I simply resent it. The attitude of the children annoyed me - mindless, uncreative, undaring, smiling bundle of "pleases" and "thank yous." No complaints, no curiosity, no personality. The amount of times they asked "May I...?" traumatized me: to this day, I am unable to use the word "may" (when asking for permission) without repressing a shudder. I used to sing "I hate you/You hate me," and I forget what else. Maybe I was simply a disturbed child.

To this day, I resent Barney for ruining my quest to speak with perfect grammar.


RepentYouFools is right.
Children should be able to enjoy there Purple Dino Bliss
As of this moment I Dont hate barney
Childhood isnt forever
they will learn the truth
and barney isnt a pedo



I'm a teenager and this is one of the few shows I can look back on and this disbelievingly, "Why the heck did I EVER sit through this??" Not many shows are like that for me.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I think like you said, the teenagers want to be cool or are too embarassed to admit they actually like it and watched it alot as a child or baby (toddler). I really don't know what goes on in the minds of teens these days as I was a teen a very long time ago. I agree with you 100%...let these kids enjoy their childhood as much as possible! I also wouldn't have minded having this on as a child. Too bad it wasn't. I was already 8 or 9 when this show came out.

I'm filipino.


Er, that's not quite what I meant. Most of the shows I watched as a kid I can still understand today what "attracted" me to them, but Barney is an exception.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
