New (Retro) Barney DVD

HIT has listened to us finally for Barney's 20th anniversary. No, it's not a Barney boxset, but the next best thing. A DVD called Best of Barney. This description pretty much sums it up: "Are you ready for some Tee-riffic fun? Laugh and sing with your favorite purple pal, Barney, in this Super Dee Duper collection celebrating the 20 years of his imaginative past. Barney's opening his magical memory chest and sharing his most memorable moments and stories that brought you, Riff, BJ, Baby Bop, and the magical T-rex himself together. Don't miss your chance to enjoy this slice of magical history!"

Not only that, but look at these bonus features:

"1. Barney's Home Video Memory Scrapbook" (HIT confirmed that clips from the early days would be in this section for sure, in an email)
"2. Barney's "I Love You" song from around the world"

It's coming out September 9th, but it's worth the wait.

*Anything can happen, if you let it. Life is out there waiting, so go and get it.*


Sounds awesome.
