Favorite Barney Song

Umm, well when I was about 8 years old in 2003, there was an episode on TV. There was a song titled 'I Can See It On Your Face'. I really liked that Barney song. I even watched the old Barney episodes back from the early 90's when I was 2. I miss that Barney


Yeah, that song's catchy (especially when it first aired in a 1997 episode). Everyone misses the old Barney (even me, but I don't mind the newer episodes). Speaking of which, I'm working on a petition to get Season 1 (and possibly Seasons 2-3 and the Backyard Gang series) on DVD.

*Anything can happen, if you let it. Life is out there waiting, so go and get it.*


when i grow up


I personally hated the show when I was younger but the song that sticks out the most in my mind was a certain song about candy...goes a little something like...


if all the raindrops
were lemondrops and gumdrops
oh what a rain that would be
standing outside
with my mouth open wide

*and then all the kids would throw their heads back, opening their mouths as BIG as possible with their tongues wagging, shouting"*


That made me crack up everytime my sister was watching it.
