How does the suit work?

Lucky me, I was coerced into watching Barney thanks to my 3 year old son and wondered, How does the Barney suit work? Does the man inside have some contraption in his mouth to make the costume's jaw move? Just curious...



I understood that it was two people playing Barney . Bob West does the voice and David Joyner is the guy in the costume. I think it would be hard for david joyner to talk because that costume must have been heavy and thick . But I could be wrong.


You're almost right. Bob West (Barney's original voice actor) told one of my friends that the actor bites down on a bar that's covered in gaff tape and car sponges. Then the actor nods his/her head to make Barney's mouth move.

*Anything can happen, if you let it. Life is out there waiting, so go and get it.*


My 19 month old has just begun to watch this show and I've been curious to how the costume works as well. Not only that but, how in the world does the actor get into the costume? There doesn't appear to be a zipper in the back of the suit. It's obvious that the feet aren't attached but the head appears to be. Anybody know? It's stupid I know but, really it drives me crazy. lol

"Put that in your juice box and suck it."


The head is attached to the suit, you're right about that. As for where the actor enters the costume, I'd rather not talk about that one (I don't work for HIT, but I do want to perform the purple guy someday (no joke)). And yes, the feet are separate pieces of course.

*Anything can happen, if you let it. Life is out there waiting, so go and get it.*


As much as the person in the suit jumps and runs around, the suit must be really light.

I think this is pretty cool.
