MovieChat Forums > Puddle Cruiser Discussion > damn. . . its not very good.

damn. . . its not very good.

SO i just finnally got to wtch this movie last night after a few years of anticipation, as i have been looking forward to finding it since i first saw super troopers, and i couldn't have been more dissappointed. much of watching this film is like watching a comidian bomb. then again, i was expecting something on the comedic scale of super troopers, so thats pretty hard to live up to anyways, thogh club dred i thought was great. so anyways if you read this before you see this bad college film, i hope it deflates yr bubble a little bit, and you can enjoy it more than i did. im gonna watch the commentary tonight, and hope thats funny.


Okay, so we know it's not very appealing to illiterate people.


I haven't seen it and after reading whats it about, I don't want to. Looks SO crap.


I liked Super Troopers alot, not so much Club Dread, and found Puddle Cruiser to be kind of dry and boring. Sure it had some funny moments, but not enough to redeem the movie.

Sorry, I really wanted it to be good.


I will admit, when i got it off ebay and watched it, it wasn't as good as i expected it to be, but look at it for a sec. It was their first movie they did together, while in college. And yes not all of it is laugh out loud funny, its more an awkward situational comedy. If you pay attention through the whole movie there are tons of moments where its silent for a few seconds or theres a weird feel because of something stupid someone did. Most of the awkwardness comes from Felix when he deals with the girl. So i agree it isnt as good as Super Troopers, but too many people expect ALL their movies to be like that. So for it being their first movie, done years before super troopers, i think it was good.


I liked it. It wasn't as funny as Super Troopers, but what is? I saw Club Dread twice opening weekend and loved that. Puddle Cruiser is quite an accomplishment in my opinion. For anyone who enjoyed the other movies, its worth a view. For a BL fan, it's worth a purchase.


If BL made a movie about grass growing I would buy it. These guys have their own brand of humor that certain people appreciate it. I found the movie to be very dry and college-humor orientated. If you don't like those two types of comedies, then you won't like the movie. But I LOVED IT!


not being able to type very well and not caring enough to proof read are not the same as being illiterate.



You just signed your response Jerkass... That didnt make much sense



I really enjoyed it, Puddle Cruiser was much better than Club Dread. Although the pacing of the movie seemed to fall apart at the end.

"If you've never seen an elephant ski...then you've never been on acid."
-Eddie Izzard


WATCH THIS MOVIE 3-4 times before you criticize it! This is a movie that is dry and gets funnier the more times you watch it! HELLO? IS MARGERIE THERE?


i was in the same boat as everyone else watching this the other day... loved super troopers and thought club dread was not so good. I watched it and didn't know what to think. wasn't what I was expecting, but loved the awkward moments. True, they didn't bring the funny as often as i had hoped, but for a non-budget college film - and most films of this ilk just get caught up and drown in their own self-righteousness - it was pretty well written. It jumps from scene to scene quickly so you don't get too comfortable and you love the characters. successful on the whole, but BL will have to have another hit before I jump on the "they can do no wrong" band wagon.


Anybody who doesn't think the phrase "garbage dick" is funny has no sense of humor. It was their first film, give them a break. If you're a fan of theirs, you should watch it, regardless of whether its their best work or not. Thats like saying that you shouldn't watch Godfather 3 if you've never seen it. Yea, its crap, but you should still see it.


that's one long ass sentence. i just rented the movie and i'm about to watch it.


Ladies, this movie is all hype and it ain't funny. I don't care if it's done by college students - it should still be FUNNY! And, belive me, it is NOT funny...
