Gender Issues Class
I though that this running joke was the best part of this movie. This whole joke is hilarious if you have ever taken a gender issues course, you know that they are the most ridiculous pieces of garbage you will ever find at the collegiate level.
Pure comedic genius!
I took one that dealt primarily with issues of gender in the military/law enforcement/fire department...
The class tried to teach something out of nothing, and when I wasn't drooling on my desk I was revelling at the idiocy of the comments made by the multitude of pseudointellectuals in the class.
One of my favorite comments was about the common inability of women to handle fireman ladders or axes... "We should develop electric axes or something that can amplify the force that they exert on an object, or make ladders out of alloys that can be more easily handled by women." moronic.
Any other funny stories?