No point, no characters, no redeeming value, just a long toxic waste exposure for your brain, and the people who like it seem to have been been exposed maybe a bit too long. America used to make really good movies, now it is mindless garbage like this with senseless violence and psychopathology to make the lunatics among us feel validated.
Yes, it was disgusting, but it also captured the zeitgeist of the late 20th century "Yuppie Scum" in a way that few films have.
It works because it was a social satire, as well as a psychological examination of a serial killer, who was BTW so brilliantly played that the film is very enjoyable if you've got a strong stomach.
Now, really it did not do anything, let alone capture yuppie scum in some kind of social satire .... it failed to point out in a clear, loud and present way that your so-called of yesterday are the Trump Jrs. and Ivankas of today.
When the book was written, nobody knew how back the Trumps were going to become, so I'm willing to forgive them on that front.
But IMHO this film really did capture the culture of Yuppie Scum. The perfectionism, the competition, the gnawing insecurity, the arrogance, the emptiness, the materialism, the shallowness, etc. If you'd ever had a chance to observe that culture in its heyday, you'd realize that the film got it right.
Yuppies were such a thin slice of the population, and it was lie ... all throughout this supposed Yuppie era, which stood for young, upwardly mobile, Americans were going downhill fast ... which is exactly why I pointed to DT jr., and in a sense W. as well, but he was like the grandfather of the plutocrats.
The problem was not really the yuppies in this time it was the regular people who were not paying attention and demanding theirs ... the yuppies got theirs, and closed the door on everyone else, so in a sense they were mass murdering people, and today the middle class is all but dead.
Yes, "American Psycho" missed all that social commentary, and so did absolutely every other film of that time, or about those times. You can't expect films to do everything.
But what it did, it did very well, take a hard nasty look at the subculture of the upper-level Yuppie Scum.
I did read the book, that is why I know how disgusting the movie is. I was a member of one of those bookclubs back when this came out, and I forget to send them the abort notification so they sent me the book and I did not read it or send it back in time, so I got stuck with it. I finally read most of it and gave it away, though I should have burned it.
What is it you think you can conclude by the fact that I read most of the book and watched part of the movie? You snarky idiots who roam around wasting your time trying to catch people in contradictions who are not contradicting themselves. Grow up.
One rightly wonders why you'd watch a second of a movie based upon a book you think you should've burned rather than read. Did you somehow "get stuck" with the movie too? Or did you decide to watch it knowing its content? Why watch mindless, disgusting garbage when you knew it would be exactly that?
> One rightly wonders why you'd watch a second of a movie based upon a book you think you should've burned rather than read.
You are really dishonest, and stupid. Plus you are just trying to be annoying. I watched the movie for free, so it did not cost me anything but a moment to find out how they made a movie out of this garbage.
Really? You describe it as "No point, no characters, no redeeming value, just a long toxic waste exposure for your brain" Sounds like more than a moment of watching to me -- or you're providing a review of a movie you didnt really watch. Which is it? Who do you think you're fooling? You knew what it was and went towards it again anyway. Maybe the brux doth protest too much. Maybe explore your own psychology and ask why you were drawn to a thing you claim to find disgusting. Dishonest or stupid? Check the mirror. I'm not stupid enough to watch movies based on books I hate. I dont suddenly pretend I didnt watch but a moment of a movie for which I already provided a review.
Thanks for wasting my time explaining how your own twisted mind works, but I don't care. You have no business telling me what you think I think, or how you think I should think. And now to save myself the annoyance I have to put you on ignore.
I sort of get what you're saying. It obviously doesn't apply to the actions the main character takes in this movie, but a lot of the time morality is very grey. Sometimes people do the wrong things for the right reasons and vice versa.