Perhaps I'm just really dense....
...and, believe me, that could very well be the reason, haha, but did anyone else find the conversation with the Swiss banker in the pre-credits sequence maddeningly complicated?
I mean, I love complex films, but the dialogue happens so quickly that it's taken me years to figure out just what's going on.
Here's what I've pieced together so far. (ahead, there be spoilers)
-Sir Robert King paid for a report that was important to his business (who did he pay?)
-The amount that he paid, minus banker's fees, is the same amount as Elektra's ransom money, meant to send a message to M.
-A 00 agent was killed for that report (before King paid for it?)
-King is getting the money back (because he never got that report?)
-Bond is attacked in the banker's office because they don't want to answer Bond's questions about who killed the 00 agent (is it a corrupt Swiss bank, or are these people working for Renard and posing as bankers?)
-The money he gets is actually soaked in urea and is part of a plot to assassinate King.
I still don't feel like I'm 100% sure what happened. The rest of the movie makes sense, and all is good, but the fact that a scene in a Bond film perplexes me more than the entirety of an Aronovsky film like The Fountain is a bit troubling. :)
Am I just overthinking this?
-"They call it a Royale with cheese."