Throughtout Trunks life there were three futures. In which order I don't know, but:
There's the future in which the History of Trunks takes place, which is what Trunks talked about when he came back to the time when Goku had just returned from Yardrat(1st future). Because he didn't kill the Andriods(he tried), he was able to give the antidote to Goku. Because he did this, his baby days were able to happen, and he was able to grow up into the boy who still thinkgs of Gohan as a brother and plays with Goten all the time.(2nd future)Now, just before Cell came to Goku's time to take care of the Androids, Trunks went back and killed the Androids before cell could get to them(Do you remember the lab part with Trunks and Krillin? I think they destroyed one Cell embryo, but there was another), so just as Triunks was going to go back, cell killed him, took the time machine(3rd future), and this became the cell saga up until the point he was destroyed.
Phew, yeah, I hope that wasn't confusing, it's how I understood it.