Should be put on DVD

I really wish they'd make an official release for this one. I remember seeing this back in 1998 when it first aired. I was only in 8th grade so obviously it scared the hell out of me. I remember UPN re airing it sometimes after will new footage of the family killing an alien in the attic. I also hear that there was an alternate version with a different ending. These would make great extras on a DVD. There is enough of a fan following. I wish they'd do it






No it'll take a while if you have a slow connection.

Reign In Blood



Well I didn't say it would be instant. The only good thing about me sending it out is that its free and no one has to pay for it.

Reign In Blood





I'm in the US. My msn messenger address is [email protected]. Send me a message if you want the link or the movie.

Reign In Blood



Hey is it possible for me to get a copy of this film? Is there a file to send or something? I've been looking for it for ages. A buddy and me saw it when we were 12 and he'll be 23 next month and I'd love to show it to him again somehow!


hey i have been looking for this show since it came out i had a copy of but my friend lost is it possible that i can get a copy from you, its agood show to watch on dark rainy day.
