Best horror 'film' ever!

I remember I was around 12 when I first watched it on some sci-fi channel very late and alone. I don't know why I kept watching it, I was probably so afraid I didnt dare to get up or move. I never really believed on UFOs or aliens before that, but thanks to this film I couldn't sleep well for a couple of years, I was so terrified aliens would come to my room and abduct me! Only some years later I realised it was a film, and after other years of research and scavenger hunting I managed to get hold of a copy of it. I showed it to my friends and you should have seen their faces, it reminded me years ago.
In conclusion, if you are feeling modern horror films are letting you down and instead of scaring the sh*t out of you they make you laugh, watch this movie, specially if you enjoyed the blair witch prject.


Best comedy ever. Did someone actually believe that this film was real?


Well in all fairness, me and my friend were skyving skool one day and so the night before we stayed up real l8, and when we switched on the sky movies, we just caught the start of it, WOW i agree with the other dude, wot a film, i was scared outa my pants for a while and we even had to draw straws as to who was going in the kitchen to turn the light on to make a cuppa, It was incredible, i think that if you were evr to have a gr8 horror to watch with ya girlfriend WATCH THIS i was hooke and always watch it now whenever it is on, WELL DONE TO THE DIRECTOR


to be a horror movie it has to be scary,this is nowhere near.


I think to those of you who doesn't think this is scary is just full of's not that really the movie itself is completely scary, but the whole idea of this movie putting images in you head of...what if this could happen...what if aliens came to my house. Of course there is no likely possiblity of this happening the film still brings up those thoughts to many of us who loves this film. I'd like to know what some of you who thinks this is funny find scare and I don't mean Micheal Jackson. I mean I agree about the scareness of this film. the darkness is one of the characters in the movie and to me it was the star over the aliens.


You sad act...Have you got a night light in your bedroom?


First time I saw this, when I was smaller - I cacked myself....I couldn't watch all of it. I REALLY want to get hold of it again, I think it's really scary man..because it's always a possiblity thats why its scary, not the actual film (if u pay attention to the details in the film its SO fake) - and this topic is unknown, therefore we are afraid. =) I sound like a geek....But it is true.

People that laugh don't think about it, they just brush off the thoughts with a laugh. I don't mind.

Xx MiMa xX


I know what you mean, I watched a clip on, i saw how fake it looks to me now, but man it still gets me. And it's not cheesy at all, I mean for the post part the acting is good, it's real and seems so random as so the whole movie. But I think the one think is the aliens could have done a better job. After watching it recently the scene with the cow and when the Alien sees them and points his red laser at them, it doesn't work for me like it did I think if they had like smoke coming from under the lens as if it burnt his shirt or something, that would have been it for me!! freakin' awesome!


i seen this movie when i was 10 and hotdog it was so dam scary i was paralyzed with fear through the whole thing. It looked reel because upn really added all the bells and whistles. Scared me the most is when the alien was waiting in the room, and came at the guy. I remenber i couldnt walk in to my room with out a louieville sluger in my hand, kept thinking he would be waiting behind my door. But watching it now, kinda seems like a joke...but back than this could scare the sh!t outa anyone.


Yeah I agree, when I first seen it I was freaked out by the whole "what-if" theory. But this film has always stuck in my mind and i've never seen it again, until last night. I watched it again last night and it's not as scary as I remember, sure there were parts that gave me the chills, but I didn't feel as freaked out or anything like I did when I was younger.



proper funny!! Blair witch project meets aliens indeed!! all a bit of fun!! hehe


Well remember, the camera wasn't connected to the mains! And it does seem weird, and maybe that it wouldn't happen, but when it comes to aliens, a rather unknown area about such organisms, then you can't say that it wouldn't happen for sure. After all, they're different things, so stuff that wouldn't normally happen on Earth should be expected, or at least believable once it happens (when aliens are involved)!

Liverpool FC rule!!!!!!

I love VA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
