Best horror 'film' ever!
I remember I was around 12 when I first watched it on some sci-fi channel very late and alone. I don't know why I kept watching it, I was probably so afraid I didnt dare to get up or move. I never really believed on UFOs or aliens before that, but thanks to this film I couldn't sleep well for a couple of years, I was so terrified aliens would come to my room and abduct me! Only some years later I realised it was a film, and after other years of research and scavenger hunting I managed to get hold of a copy of it. I showed it to my friends and you should have seen their faces, it reminded me years ago.
In conclusion, if you are feeling modern horror films are letting you down and instead of scaring the sh*t out of you they make you laugh, watch this movie, specially if you enjoyed the blair witch prject.