Why did so many people think this was real? It was obviously acted out.
"...And such might have been but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth."
Why did so many people think this was real? It was obviously acted out.
"...And such might have been but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth."
I live like 10 miles from where this "supposedly" occurred, so its just kinda scary that something like that could hit so close to home.
If it was real, do you really think they would show it on TV?
But that's not the point:
1) intelligent aliens don't exist
2) if they did exist, they wouldn't locate earth
3) if they located earth, they wouldn't have human characteristics
probability: 10^-5000
First give away it isn't real: There are CREDITS!!
Think of every home movie or piece of video that someone catches with their own camera, like the Rodney King video.
Do you think that they had CREDITS after it?
Secondly, the aliens do all this stuff to a family, take out the last member and then LEAVE the TAPE?? This is the advanced culture that eludes capture and leaves no traces of it's existance??
"Yes, it's the Apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it."share
You guys are forgetting one big give away... who has a family that fights dramatically and then have monologues. They were overacting.
"...And such might have been but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth."
And when the light hits Rennee and she falls, then dies later.
I dont´think you could show a real death on tv.
Im really upset to be watching this on TV at the moment.
I came in half way through and saw the first five minutes.
Firstly, if it gave a real account of aliens, it wouldn't be shown.
Secondly, the acting is absolutely attrocious! Just not natural.
Thirdly, even the camcorder footage. Notice there is absolutely crystal clear audio? There's no crackles and jostling around on the camcorder, no slaps on the casing etc...
Fourth, "LOW BATT" appears? That's the first time I've seen on screen display information on the tape itself.
Fifth, there's a flaming cast list!
Sixth - The wine just looks like some kind of black currant juice.
As soon as I saw the acting, I couldn't help but laugh.
Firstly, if it gave a real account of aliens, it wouldn't be shown.
this here could always be blown off as saying it was a hoax..even if it really happeend and it leaked out..
nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)
If I was a real alien I would dress up in a really fake looking alien suit when messing with human's... man that would really f' with their heads. Silly humans.
shareYeah, it's obviously fake.
I have seen real aliens, and they look nothing like this.
Also, in the credits... And on IMDB right here. It says the actors who played alien #1, alien #2 etc.
The people who think that this is real are the people who make a new thread asking if it is real when there is already a thread on the exact same topic on the same page.
Some people just want to believe it is real too much.
Well really, anybody who thinks this is real should not be taken seriously with the only exception of children. I watched it when I was younger and it scared me.
It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.