This movie still creeps me out! LOL

I was 15 when I saw this on UPN and it had me so freaked out. I still get spooked just remembering it. I won't even watch it again just because I don't want to be reminded of how spooked it made me. I also don't want to ruin all those awesome scared feeling memories. LOL I don't think any other movie has ever scared me that much before or since.

At the time of watching it I really honestly 100% believed it was real. LOL That was until I saw who was playing Tommy! I remembered him from the Nickelodeon show "Space Cases" playing an alien (how funny!). It derailed me for a bit but I somehow managed to convince myself I was imagining it all and it was still real. LOL I am glad I didn't let the realization it was a hoax get to me because "Believing" really helped make it more scary!

I remember calling my cousin after it was over since I knew she had also watched it.We debated if it was real or not because of the actor playing Tommy. She believed it, I was convinced it was an actor. I remembered that as the movie ended and the credits rolled that I saw in the squashed text "Blah blah as Blah BlahVlah" and was like "Hey that's acting credits???" Since I recorded the show (wish I knew where it went...) I rewound the tape (ah video cassettes) and paused it on the cast list. HAH. I won it was fake. :D

And then the excitement kind of died and I was like ":/" It was a lot more fun when I thought it was real. It was glaringly obvious though.. they'd never show actual alien footage on TV w/o it being some sort of breaking news NewsCast report breaking it in! LOL

But it still gives me the willies. :O *shudder!!*
