How many people agree

That hollywood should remake this? Maybe get Steven spielberg or Ridley Scott to Direct or Produce it.



Steven Spielberg wouldn't do it unless they were friendly.
Ridley Scott? I think he's finished with sci-fi.

Niell Blomkamp (District 9) could make even a moderate budget version the most convincing and terrifying abduction film ever made. If a low budget original with crap acting can scare people, then a Blomkamp-version with the kind of production that District 9 had would have people screaming out of their skins.


Steven Spielberg made "War Of The Worlds (2005)" and has produced a few more hostile alien abduction shows, "Taken" and I think a couple more but not sure. Also he was producer on a few more hostile alien movies I believe.

Anyway, just watching this now. Now sure how I remake would do. It would be more like Paranormal Activity (oddly enough, Spielberg was involved in getting that released and was responsible for the ending to be changed). I think it would be great to see a "found footage" alien abduction movie using modern technology. Of course NOT with too much CGI. Things that made some parts of this movie so creepy were when you were not sure what you were seeing (at the dinner with the alien walking past the window, etc)and so the imagination makes it scarier. An example would be as in Spielberg's remake of War Of The Worlds, when we see CGI aliens half way through the movie in the much too long basement scene. Right there is what destroyed the movie for me. There was nothing really creepy about it anymore. We saw the aliens and they almost looked "cute" lol. Up till then not knowing anything of WHAT was controlling those tripods made it more terrifying. I would have made the aliens only be revealed full on at the end where they die and one falls out.

I love this type of movie and love stories about alien abduction so hopefully there are more found footage alien movies that get made. SO had enough of ones all about only ghosts and paranormal stuff.

"Does that COMPUTE? Or do I have to draw you a SCHEMATIC?" - Ron Perlman in 'Alien: Resurrection'


No way! It's perfect as it is...minus the stupid random interviews that interrupt the flow. Pointless.

Low budget and low effects are best or it would not be as frightening.
