why are people so stupid!?
why do so many people judge films like this and blair witch as *beep* because its not real?! yeah, its a movie dumbass, its fiction. you know films like this and blair witch are still only films? your not actually supposed to think its real footage, i put this on 4 minutes into it not knowing what it was and within 5 mins realised it wasnt real, but i also recognised it was just supposed to be a movie that instead of showing everything from static camera angles it shows everything from the camera of one of the characters. i dont know why people judge movies like this on the basis of "it sucks cos it wasnt real and if you think it was your an idiot", i mean, yeah its fake, and if you think its real you ARE an idiot, but you wouldnt judge one of the "alien" movies with the same logic, yet that is supposed to be thought of as its really happening to the characters, your just not seeing it from a video camera.
by this logic i could say that star wars is *beep* cos its not real