the REAL video tape of the incident has been LEAKED
Is there any place on the net, torrent site or other, where we can see the actual FULL original movie? Not just clips from a show?
google video.
why the hell do they keep getting removed?
shareThe government is trying to keep it a secret because its real
sharewell i don't know if you're joking or not, but i just don't know the full story. i'm hearing that the film was a remake of a very amateurish earlier film shot on a shoestring budget. but i'm also hearing that there is real footage that exists, and that it was the inspiration for "Alien Abduction: Lake County"
shareI am dying to find a good copy of this on DVD! It seems its very hard to find! I live in the UK, checked all the shops that stock DVDs but this one isnt around! Does anyone have any links to shops here who sell it?
shareI've spoken to the director of this film and it isn't real, everyone stop believing, lol. And as far as I know from when I spoke to him the original film was destroyed in a warehouse fire. It's not available on DVD anywhere as far as I know.
shareYou can watch the full in movie at
Its in parts like part 1 and 2 and so on but it shows the entire thing.
Theres also a thing on youtube that shows the original footage with different people and it ufo experts saying they think it authentic footage you can watch it at
That's probably the 1989 version directed by the same bloke. He made two.
shareThe 1984 tape is real!!!....that's why it's so hard to find, as well as being
removed from the net...if you find it please post links..I havent seen it in
awhile...believe me It's real..the remake is a cover up...the real story started with a birthday...not thanksgiving...................If you see it you's ............real!!!!
you are right,i watched the one that started with the birthday and ended with them in a trance at the table starting to walk toward the door,and a flash at the doorknob with the aliens trying to get in but you dont see them,i rented it at a walla walla rental store in 1992 or late 1991.i have never seen the original since.
sharelol i know, the original is just an even lower budget version of this, and is totally hilarious to watch, hell in the remade version at least the shotgun actually fires properly and isnt just a badly dubbed sound effect though i thought digitizing the alien's faces was a nice touch to add to the mystery as opposed to just having a bunch of midgets in badly made costumes (oh and one doll when he's carrying the 'dead' one)
Worth to watch just for a good laugh.
Go to youtube and search 'incident in lake county.
It's got to be somewhere as It is on Sky at the moment!
shareYou dumbasses i understand your desperation to find out if we live in an unpopulated godless universe with just our planet as being populated but please... Come on... You're insulting your own intelligence when you watch this or the admittedly hilarious 'original'... Please... All you UFO maniacs out there, don't jump on such an obvious fraud as this, wait for the real thing to come out, it's sad ANYONE could think this is real or the SO CALLED original footage is this is just a badly made (VERDY BADLY MADE) remake of it.
I'm SORRY...
But that's it...
I know how much your heart's must've raced...
...When you saw this movie...
...Aliens... REAL ALIENS you thought to yourself...
...Please though... It's this thought the film makers are capitalising on... They're USING your yearning to discover extraterrestrial life out there to promote this drival.
...It's some good blair witch grade quality scary *beep*
...But I'm sorry...
...This just ISNT'T your 'proof is out there miricale
If it comes it will come... But please... Don't degrade that wish by scraping at every piece of crap that surfaces as proof of alien life... It's insulting to your own cause and degrading to your own soul...
...Just wait... If it happens... It will happen
yes what stuart-280 said, it's not real. but I do believe something is out there, somewhere. intruth.... they're probaly afraid of us. if -IF- they have come to Earth they'd would have seen us as hostile self rightous mental cased species, that We won't know if they're friendly-hell! we might even fire upon them when they aren't hostile... and won't visit us because we're violent and cruel -not all- but some of us are.
shareThis film was out on sky before blair witch was even made.
I remember seeing this on Sky Movies with the interviews with the police and Ufologists in around 1995 and have been searching all over for a dvd copy purely for the fact that it scares the sh*t out of people as it did me when i first saw this film when I was about 10.
right, so to recap, we've got the sky version, which is quite obviously a scripted production. it is supposed to be a remake of an ealier version. but some people here are saying the so called earlier version is actually a poorly made remake of the sky version?
uck me, this just gets more and more confusing! yes it's very likely they there are two versions, both fiction. but i can't help thinking that when you try to look into this, you end up running round in circles and we really don't know what the truth is.
oh, and stuart-280: as einstein once said "condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance
I totally agree with you Stuart!
The end gives it away completely when the video camera twerp puts his videa camera down to play cards. It is perfectly angled to see the family at the table and the 'little grey men' that slipped through doors.
Like Stuart I believe there is life out there, but really come on? It is even said before the aliens and all that he wanted to become a movie director, how unusal then does it get make perfect for him.
A lot of bollocks I'm afraid.
The Movie "Contact" starring Jodie Foster is perhaps a better way that aliens could approach our hopeless race!
It's sad. If there ever is genuine UFO/alien footage created it is not, I repeat NOT, going to have an IMDB listing. Nobody wishes for it more or is more prepared for the paradigm change it will represent than me, but THIS IS NOT IT.
shareAs a matter of fact you can buy a copy on DVD from the ORIGINAL movie, which was made by the same director of this one, and you can buy it directly from him. Just send him an email to [email protected] asking for a copy of his original film. He kept a u-matic copy of his 1" master, which was destroyed on the fire.
shareHas anyone actually tried contacting him to see if he will make copies? Im in Australia and I'm interested on getting a copy.. Its not in stores or anything here, and all the places on the net have had the links removed.. Also, does anyone know what the cost would be to get a copy?
"Re: the REAL video tape of the incident has been LEAKED
by - pacoreguenga on Sun Jan 6 2008 17:26:24 As a matter of fact you can buy a copy on DVD from the ORIGINAL movie, which was made by the same director of this one, and you can buy it directly from him. Just send him an email to [email protected] asking for a copy of his original film. He kept a u-matic copy of his 1" master, which was destroyed on the fire. "
True it's not real, but it's fun.. I think I remember seeing it, not quite sure.
But I do believe out. there.
the first time i saw this video was in 1992,i dont know why this title has a 1998 year as release,if so how did i rent it out of a rental store in wall walla in 1992,i am sure of the year because i was on my externship,it ends with them all looking like there in a trance and there is a flash at the doorknob like their trying to get in,"the aliens"this was just as good as blair witch,i think this guy was stupid for not releasing the original in the theatre,if blair witch made 100 million,i think this could have made half of that.i saw one on ebay awhile ago and bought it and it was a reaenactment of the one i saw,and didnt have any of the original actors.
share[deleted] click video and type in alien abduction
stuart-280, why do we live in an unpopulated universe if we are here?
Amongst the stars in all the galaxies, it is the height of anthropcentric arrogance to assume we are the sole intelligent lifeform, and statistically improbable.
Google 'drake equation'.
Just saw this after recording it on Sky, here in the UK. For a low budget TV movie, it's good fun! They had the sense to limit what they did, so nothing looked TOO fake, and they didn't overdo the camera shaking about (Which is something I personally hate on these style of films normally).
I agree that given the size of the Universe, it's unlikely that we're alone, but I wouldn't use the Drake Equation as any form of example or back up... It's well known as being absolutely pointless due to the utter impossibility of filling in its variables. It looks scientific, but is really just a meaningless guess that depending on the variables you input, and you can get anything from zero to millions.
Personally, I think a better argument would be to use the example of how many exo-planets they've been discovering lately, as well as the increased odds of life even in our own solar system. So if life is looking more and more possible on Mars, Europa, Triton, Enceladus... If so many possibilities exist in different ways even in just out OWN solar system, then along with the planets being discovered around other stars, surely the odds of other life (even if not sentient) are pretty high! ;-)
Time enough for the earth in the grave!share
Yes the Drake equation is flawed, but using conversative numbers, the value is around 200,000 alone. This however, can be spread out over time, as many civilisations may never actually make the stars, due to natural cataclysms or the uranuim barrier.
I would say it takes more faith to believe were are alone than to believe that aliens exist. If they visit here, well i'm more skeptical.
I agree with you're last statement, though I'm not so sceptical about other life forms perhaps having visited here. (I'm not saying that's what the greys are) just that given my personal opinion that life is fairly likely out there, I think it's probably that we may have been visited at some point, even if briefly out of mere curiosity to see what's going on. (perhaps surveiled from distance, who knows, maybe Von Daniken is right!)
The problem with the Drake equation, is that even conservative numbers are no good. The variables are too unknown, and intangible. Each conservative variable itself is essentially a wild guess. I could as easily pull a number out of the air and say there are specifically 3001 planets with life on them in our galaxy alone, and I'd be as accurate or inaccurate as the Drake equation. ;-)
Time enough for the earth in the grave!share
Well, yes. There is that problem with Drake, it is arbitary, and would require a series of very educated guesses.
My standing on alien visitation has veered towards not total skepticism, because I have read several efforts at debunking very strong cases which, despite trying to rationalize the events, often seem more irrational than just accepting the possibility of ET visits. They read as desperate attempts to obfuscate with scientific language.
One example is how a scientist tried to explain why Aliens couldn't have been involved in the drawing of the Nazca lines, because the tribes people laying them out, would've have struggled to see as the alien craft hovered above, blowing diust in their faces! Who said alien craft use turbofans?
I think that 98% of sightings can be explained by natural means, but even the remaining 2% will be largely explainable (eventually), leaving the smallest amount of unknowns, the alien origin of which cannot be ruled out, simply because our mere presence on earth acknowledges intelligence can arise in the cosmos, therefore other intelligences are likely.
Despite incremental increase in scientific knowledge, I have never waivered from my belief in the existence of Extra-terrestrial life, as it is a statistical improbability that the Earth is the only planet to have given rise to life, especially when you think that life may have arrived along with the majority of surface water via cometary debris. It is as scientifically plausible as evolution itself, but is often not dealt with seriously because of what Michio Kaku describes as the giggle factor - when you invoke aliens, people tend to roll their eyes, even though ET'S are not reliant on magical or divine sources that most paranormal phenomenon rely on.
However, because I look at this question seriously and from a scientific standing, I find it hard to acknowledge the reality of Alien abduction, as i'm skeptical about the Greys and how pop-culture has contributed to our perception of aliens. I think that there is scope for aliens having periodically visited throughout history, perhaps exploiting our primitive naivety before we found science, but wouldn't go as far as von Daniken. I give humans credit for the 'mysteries of the ancients'.
Just in case anyone stumbles on this thread again like I did - here's a time-saver for you - NONE of these links now work which is rather suspicious. As of October 2016 only this link works:
And tbh it looks incredibly fake anyway with aliens in polo neck sweaters and awful polystyrene heads! Is that footage meant to be real or from one of these two films people are talking about here?
Cos if aliens look that bad when they land, they'll quickly be laughed right back out of this world!