MovieChat Forums > Dune (2000) Discussion > Berg Talks New Version

Berg Talks New Version


Berg sees the story more as an epic adventure. "[The book] was much more muscular and adventurous, more violent and possibly even a little bit more fun," Berg said. "I think those are all elements of my experience of the book that can be brought in without offending the die-hard fans of the Bene Gesserit and Kwisatz Haderach. There's a more dynamic film to be made."

I don't see it. I think Berg is going to make Dune into a romantic adventure when really it's more about the human tragedy that is politics, religion and war. Dune is not Star Wars. It actually deals with the consequences of violence. I'll have to wait to learn more about it before making a concrete appraisal but thus far it sounds like a hero's adventurous romp instead of the anti-hero's tale of tragic revenge.

Dune is not light hearted and breezy, it's heavy, heavy stuff. To try and make it otherwise undermines the value of the story.


I'm pretty sure Berg has left the project.
