MovieChat Forums > Dune (2000) Discussion > Lynch's Dune is gold compared to these t...

Lynch's Dune is gold compared to these two mini- series

This series should not exist, plain and simple. It's pure Sci-Fi Channel garbage juice. Dune fans claim it is more faithful to the book when in reality it doesn't even come close. I cannot understand why so many people are in denial about this piece of crap TV series. It's so bad it's like a cruel joke. It leaves out more than half of the plot ( there are giant gaping holes in the story throughout, I mean come on, WTF happened to Gurney, Yueh, and Thufur? ) and the production and effects are like a joke. Yes I know it was made for tv but that's my point, it really should not have been made. Whenever I mention that Dune is my favorite book all I get is laughs and references to this god awful tv series. Lynch's is gold compared to it.



I totally agree... While I don´t like the butchered version of D. Lynch it did at least have some good actors in it. I did not mind the gaps in the miniseries as much as those horrible actors - especially the reduction of the sadistic Baron Harkonnen two some kind of clown. "Children of Dune" was even worse with the 9-year old twins being turned into giggling teenagers. Ah... I could "bitch and moan" all day about this mess ^^.
Next year another attempt will hit the theatres... directed by Peter Berg. I´m not holding my breath... Where is Pete Jackson when you need him?


Good point... Peter Jackson needs to take a crack at this, and I think they should utilize some of the old Lynch cast. Kyle MacLaughlin could play Duke Leto, Virginia Madsen could play the reverend mother and pull in some unknowns for some of the key new roles (just like MacLaughlin was pretty unknown back in 1984)...




The Lynch movie was horrid. The mini series was much better imo because it did a better job of following the book. Maybe the acting wasn't as good, but with such a travesty of a story, the quality of the actors wasn't that relevant.


I agree with the OP, this doesn't hold a candle to the Lynch version.
The acting almost ruined it from the start, but so too did the
characterizations. Closer to the book? I really didn't feel that.
The Lynch version cut a lot out, but other than the weirding way changed
little. This series takes a lot of liberties with altering characters
and situations, and adding things which are unecessary.
The sfx are decent for a tv movie, especially a sci-fi original, but the
Lynch film had a more distinct look. The series actually borrows many
visual cues from the film...
Neither did an adequate job with the "blue within blue eyes"...



you want the book? read the book!!!you want a stunning epic (albeit frustrating) movie see Lynch's version.You want a cheap movie that tries hard (doesn't succeed) to be epic and faithful see the 2004 remake.I liked (more so tolerated) the remake, but i throroughly enjoyed Lynch's version, Lynch's version was a better movie overall. ADMIT IT! Dead or alive, i'll be back, then you're coming with me... trust me.



yeah i'll admit that.but im sick of seeing fans of the book fight lynch fans!Im not trying to be a troll, i hate trolls, but lynch fans are making their argument on thin ice, while the book fans are sitting their asses and argument on a veritable glacier! lynch's version was more to me in many ways, BUT, i recognize the depth and merit of the miniseries.I also think DUNE is aloof from being properly made into a movie, everyone sees it different in their mind's eye, no ONE version will satisfy all fans, arguments like this will continue, the bickering won't end.The only thing they can do is try and keep the whole of the story and characters cemented, try and keep its gravitas and mythos, respect and consult the source material, and if they at least TRY to do that, i'll see another remake...i'd see another dozen remakes! Dead or alive, i'll be back, then you're coming with me... trust me.


I agree that both are a total mess.

I saw the lynch movie before reading the book and then saw the sci-fi channel version.

I have to say I prefer the Lynch movie for one specific reason it had the best atmosphere out of the two.
I totally bought that arrakis was this other world and it did a good job of selling how seductive and beautiful the desert is to the point that I wish the Lynch arrakis was real and I could live there.
The atmos was enhanced by the far superior soundtrack.

Basically the lynch version did a much better job of making the planet mystical instead of just plain alien.

I can't remember who said it but PLEASE no peter Jackson for the remake I think I'd be sick all over the floor if it was butt-raped by that fat porker.

David Fincher would be a far better candidate because he appreciates visuals and knows how to deal with clever dialogue and characters.


I can't remember who said it but PLEASE no peter Jackson for the remake I think I'd be sick all over the floor if it was butt-raped by that fat porker.

Peter Jackson, to his credit, has lost most of that "porker" weight, and is almost unrecognizable, if you only know him from his LotR days.

Back to the original topic - the Lynch bastardization is a travesty and abomination, if for no other reason than:

"Original music by Toto"

That was as silly and offensive as Queen doing the music for the already horrendously terrible "Flash Gordon."

And for all the talk of Lynch's version having a better cast --- for every Jürgen Prochnow in Lynch's film...there was also a pathetic Sting!



I saw the Lynch version when i was 15 and the only positive thing about the movie I can say is I get the motivation to read the nooks, which cause me to experience an intense dislike of Lynch and became grateful for the mini series


The Lynch version was atrocious.

It really was one of the worst films I've 'ever' see


Lynch is great, Lynch's Dune is great.

In truth, though, the only way we'll see Dune done "properly" is in the form of an HBO series...

Same goes for Hyperion. A superior series of books to Dune, in case anyone reading this is hankering for some more epic sci-fi.
