Enjoyed this AND the Lynch Version
Just a humble thought from someone who has never read the books, and probably never will.
I hear the books are fantastic, unfortunately, I am forced to do so much reading for my job that I often don't read leisurely.
That said, I have seen Dune (1984), The Alternate Extended Edition of the 1984 version, and Dune (2000).
I saw the extended 1984 edition first, then Dune 2000 and finally Dune 1984. Don't ask, it was just the order I saw them.
Anyway, in terms of telling the story for someone who had no clue what was going on, I thought that the extended Lynch version was the best, despite the fact that Lynch disowned this version. This one told me so much back story that I just wanted to turn it off at times, BUT, it filled me in on the plot so I understood everything else.
When I saw Dune 2000, most of this back story was missing. While I was able to understand it and enjoy it because I knew the basics, my wife had trouble following it and some things needed to be explained, such as the plot line with Dr. Yueh.
Finally, I saw the original Lynch version of Dune. I thought this version was dark, odd and confusing. But that's David Lynch for you. Again, knowing the story, I enjoyed the movie.
I can understand that if a movie is far off from the source material then it can be frustrating for fans of the books. However, just because something is an interpretation of a work, doesn't mean it's bad. Just look at how "Taming of the Shrew" turned in to "10 Things I Hate About You" (Yes, I know that's an odd reference here, but it was still a VERY popular movie and was extremely different than Shakespeare's version).
All that said, I liked all 3 versions. I liked the sequel. If they remake it, I'll see it then, too. The point of movies is to be entertained. If you want a movie that is EXACTLY like a book, then get writing and hope Hollywood picks up your script. Good luck!