MovieChat Forums > Dune (2000) Discussion > Are they going to make God Emperor of Du...

Are they going to make God Emperor of Dune?

Any plans at all? I'd like to see them finish the series up until Chapterhouse!


God Emperor was the worst book though, and I think hard to adapt. While the info in it is certainly requisite to the following pair (Heretics was the best other than the original in my opinion), maybe they could just give a little backstory in the others and skip it.


I do not agree. God Emperor is my second favorite after Dune itself. However, I think the subject matter does not really lend itself well to film. There is no true antagonist, and the scope is staggering. Not to mention, it is also an examinaton of philosophy, sociology, etc., etc. that may make it less than attractive to many.


Ah, but there was a true protaganist: Leto, the God-Emporer himself.


I really dont think so but of course I would absolutely be pleasantly surprised if it did ever happen. I really dont know how well the two Dune miniseries did on Sci-Fi as far as ratings go but I guess they weren't good enough to warrant another miniseries based on God Emperor.


Looking at it from a writers perspective, you can almost skip over God Emperor of Dune. By the time you get to heretics, the events of God Emperor are a thousand years in the past, and only serve as a background story of the next two novels.

I'm a New Yorker. Fear's my life


It'd be interesting to see an attempt at it, but there's not much narrative thrust to God Emperor and I don't think it'd translate well to film. Maybe an adpatation of Herertics with flashbacks to GEOD throught the narrative would work better.

"Oh, I did my thesis on life experience." - Anonymous Harvard Guy, The Simpsons.


Why even read that far?Fiction is bad for you.Herbert's final nod to the discerning was in COD.Catch it?



I wouldn't mind God Emperor turned into a movie, but anything afterwards kind of lost its touch for me. I felt the last series of books felt like it was a dead horse dragged through the mud. But thats just me.


I'm about half way through reading God Emperor and I dont really think this can be turned into a movie or even a miniseries. There simply isn't enough "action" in the story and the most compelling parts of the story seem to be the conversations between Leto and Duncan and who would want to watch mostly scenes of philosophical dialogue on tv? Well, I would still watch it but I dont think tv audiences in general would.


Yeah, you're right, but so what? (Not to you directly; to them making an intellectual yet possibly subdued segment of the series.) I'm like you Londo, I'd watch it, however dull. I hope they make most of them, just because it'd be nice as a Dune Fan. Is it likely to happen? Maybe not, but we can still hope.

"Inside the dusters there were 3 men"..."So?"....."Inside the men there were 3 bullets" - d{^_^}b


They could do a story within a story and weave in a condensed version as part of the education of an Idhao ghola in a 'Heretics' movie. I think there was something like that in Buffy when it came to explaining the First Slayer.


I'd love to see GOD EMPEROR, HERETICS, CHAPTERHOUSE, HUNTERS, and SANDWORMS all adapted somehow. But chances are we will see a third adaptation of the original book before we get to see a mini-series or movie based on the later books.
