Goggles of DUNE

Here I am, rereading the DUNE series for the first time in 30-some-odd years, and rewatching the various cuts of the Lynch film, and the Sci-Fi Channel mini-series, and it finally dawned on me the one thing that's missing from the DUNE-verse...


All that talk about the need to conserve moisture, and the stillsuits being described as covering everything BUT the eyes (which need to be kept moist), but yet nobody suffers any eye discomfort.

I don't know about you guys, but I hate going outside on a really windy day, because there's always some grit or soot blowing right into my eyeballs. I use up half a bottle of eye drops whenever the Santa Ana's start gusting!

Anyway, just wanted to toss that out there for the sake of conversation.


Very good point!


Yep. Fremen should essentially look like wiry bedouin, wearing a sand coloured thobe. The stillsuit covers every inch of their body, including a hood with a full face mask & goggles which, along with their boots, would the only part of the stillsuit visible.
Death is the road to awe.
