I'll get raked over the coals for this
But after finally buying the miniseries and watching it....I almost feel like the film version is Casablanca by comparison! The one good thing I could say about the SF Channel's version is that it is a bit more faithful to the books. However, in terms of production, it's just awful. the costume design is mediocre, the set design is bland, and the acting is embarrassing. And it also has that overall cheap, tacky look that a lot of SF's films that had been produced in the Eastern European countries tended to have. None of the scenes set on the actual planet of Arrakis look anywhere even approaching realistic; one major strength that the film has is that Arrakis looked and felt like a real planet because most of it was actually shot on location rather than in very fake-looking sets. Even the special effects and CGI weren't very good. I have Children of Dune as well, but I'm not even sure if I want to watch it!
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