What if they did Dune as a theatre trilogy?
Not "Dune, DM and CoD" as a trilogy, but rather break up the original "Dune" book into three movies and then dedicated a good 2 hours minimum on each one? I think it would be fantastic, as it would really give enough time to focus intently on all the most important aspects of the book. This miniseries trilogy wasn't half bad, but so much could be done with that extra time and extra legitimacy of a bigger budget spent on better talent?
Perhaps they could even go the "LOTR" route, and make some seriously long and detailed movies, then edit them down for more mass appeal at the box office, while releasing the extended version to the faithful on dvd?
Hell, in Fantasy Land, we could even get Lynch to direct the new trilogy. I know he never would in reality, but none of this is ever going to happen in reality, so why not dream a little more?