MovieChat Forums > U-571 (2000) Discussion > This movie wouldn't be made now.

This movie wouldn't be made now.

Obviously the USA has changed since 2000. I'm not American but I think movies like this and Saving Private Ryan wouldnt be made with such a pro-American slant and bias today.

Not to say that the USA or Americans have totally overcome their ignorance and short-sighted view of the rest of the world. But it has improved from 2000.


A fraking moron troll.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


OP got it right.


No, OP did not get it right. He's an idiot, as are you.

"Spock is the shiz-nit!"


A fraking moron troll.

Me or you? Because 99% of people would say you.

I think this movie is a good example of some of the changes in Hollywood and the USA since 2000. Don't forget this movie was made pre Sept 11, Iraq and GFC. America was at the top in 2000. I (would like to) think that Hollywood and Americans in general have become more re-engaged with the world since this movie.


You're a jackass. You have no proof that 99% of anyone hates us. It's just your intolerance and jealousy shining through. We Americans are proud and patriotic and if you don't like it, you can fack off. No one cares what you think.

"Spock is the shiz-nit!"


nobody hates America, calm down. But you, as a nation, do tend to take credit for things you didn't actually do. I was living in the US when Braveheart and the Patriot came out and they were pretty much treated as fact too.


oh cmon, atleast there was a french soldier in The Patriot, thats something!



The U.S. took "credit" for what happened in BRAVEHEART?



True. William Wallace was actually an American Special-Ops soldier who time travelled back to the 1300's to lead the Scottish clans against the English. Duh. Everybody knows that.


Thanks for setting me straight on that. I was wondering how America could be blamed for co-opting credit for a series of events that took place in Scotland a couple of centuries prior to the European discovery of the Western Hemisphere. I guess we're just evil that way.


Right! It had to be something like that since even then Eurotrash weenies mostly just sat around all limpwristed boohooing into each other's panties wondering "what to do!? what to do!?" while roving bands of marauders did their thing with impunity. We, in the form of Sgt William Wallace, USMC, were a couple years late to the party but we had to work the kinks out of the Time Machine.


No, 99% of the world doesn't hate American's, we just think you are stupid and your post did nothing to change our opinion,they only managed to reinforce it.

And you clearly care what he thinks :)


You know what I find Ironic?
That most of those that hate on Americans in these boards do so because of their belief in American's stereotyping of the rest of the world. But the American Haters are doing that very thing themselves with crap like "we just think you are stupid" or the "lazy Americans" comments.

I go after stupid individuals, not whole countries.
The only thing reinforced here is your own position as a stereotyical hate-monger.
I don't care what country you are from, YOU are the idiot.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I don't understand, how is this movie an example of American "ignorance and short-sighted view of the rest of the world." For one, I don't even see a portrayal of any other nation or the people in it in this movie except for the enemy soldiers of Nazi Germany. Are you arguing that the Nazis were the good guys in WWII?


It was hardly a rah rah propaganda film


Yeah, how would they attract the female audience with a movie like this?

I'll delete this before my gf comes over. Us men have to stay in line, or it'll take 30 more dumb bimbos before I find another that understands a relationship.
