MovieChat Forums > U-571 (2000) Discussion > On Britian and MY COUNTRY INDIA


The notion "British brought to India (everything from topological surveys to travel infrastructure)" is absurd. Furthermore, India today has political boundaries but it is NOT "homogeneous nation-state". India has more than 1000 different languages just to elaborate on linguistic diversity. Further, Indians paid heavy taxes (price) for the services that you learn as "British brought to India". If I quote J T Wheeler, only 600000 peasants paid 350000 Sterling tax whereas 100000 Sterling was spent on them in early 1900s. Region most likely is Bengal which you may want to say poorest regions of India.

Railways (Transport system) was public company that gave most dividends to their share holders. It was "brought" by British for easy transport of army and other heavy equipments or their own leisure. Indians "bought" it with their tax money. If you want to know how railways was enjoyed by Indians, read book by M K Gandhi on his travels in third class. As I have mentioned M K Gandhi, you must know that he was thrown out of first class compartment despite having valid ticket in South Africa.

All surveys that you are referring to, British made for themselves to carry on their colonization drive (conquer alien lands). It was never meant for normal Indian public. You can see British are still struggling to conquer Afghanistan. Unfortunately most of the regions where British failed to conquer, compromised with Durrand line (Western boundary of Pakistan with Afghanistan), Indians were once ruling. Afghanistan was under Sikh rule when Ranjeet Singh was king.

How can you forget partition of India and role British played that caused one of the greatest disasters (1 million dead) in human history. I would recommend you to go through Cabinet mission plan arguments and counter arguments.

This is not a forum to discuss "untouchables". However, as I would just add, this is another colonial "Gem" to slander Indians of modern times.


Yea, this is a forum about the movie, not about your grievances about the British Raj or how much you love India. I think many readers do not care about your rants about India either.


WTF are you posting this bs rant in this particular board which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Britain or India or the period in question.

Take your rant to a message board where people would give a damn.
Why don't you go to Gunga Din... A Passage to India... or The Man Who Would be King...

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


You're an idiot.


Not sure why India is being brought up but Britain was an Empire and didn't go to India out of was to exploit trade and stop Russian expansion.

I am British and have NEVER been taught that we went to India to make things better. Certainly like all Empires there were benefits and drawbacks but we didn't go for love and happiness. We are not Americans who invade people and pretend to be giving them vague concepts like 'Freedom'. Britain was a world power, India was strategically important and Britain didn't want Russia or another power in there.

When I was visiting India a gentleman said the worst thing the British did was invade...the second worst thing they did was leave'. I agree with your views of the partition - that simply shouldn't have happened. It forms a long and sad history of appeasing Muslim nationalists. IF we only have Indian historians like K. S. Lall to advise us then...what he wrote about the Muslim conquest of India makes Britain look like a rude tourist. Up to 80 million dead Hindus over many centuries. Tragic.

Britain has been gone for decades now, and Britain has paid many millions in aid over those decades to India. I think we can agree the past is over. No country is perfect and it's time to move on. Don't listen to idiots justifying occupation by infrastructure. Yes many great things were built but they were a result of occupation not the reason for it...which as I said was to increase and protect trade and stop Russia turning India into a big gulag!

"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


The past is not over for the atrocities Britain committed around the globe unchecked for centuries. The borders they drew up that still produce strife and murderous conflicts today. The Brits crawled to the US CIA in order to over throw the elected leader of Iran and install the Shah so they could keep exploiting them for their oil!! This is just a few examples of British atrocities I could go on for days WEEKS. Don't know how you sleep at night.


Comfortably thank you, on a £600 mattress, Egyptian cotton sheets, Ralph Lauren woollen blankets and a goose down duvet.
You can stay skint because you are spend your time being bitter instead of working hard.


Yes the British pissed on India as they do on every country they invade, murder & ooccupy but this isn't tge place to discuss it, is it?


Lmao is this the U-571 board??
