“It’s a joke!”

Vitos lame excuse seems totally absurd, but it’s hard to imagine a better rationale, given the situation. I’ve always wondered - Is there any excuse Vito could have given in that situation to successfully explain away why he was at a gay bar, prancing around in a gay motorcycle outfit, with a gay gay guy being towed around by a gay leash?


He could have said something like "I'm doing a social experiment." or "I'm just trolling these guys...".


I think his best bet would have been to grab sals cock and started jerking him off through his pants, thus making him complicit in his clandestine homosexuality.


LOL it was my blood pressure medication

Wonder if that's listed as a side effect yet


Yea that was a plot hole. No medication produces that side effect


There was absolutely nothing he could have said. Vito was dead as soon as he was recognized like that.

Even if he had a good excuse it was just a matter of time before word got around to Phil. Phil's the reason Tony didn't ultimately take Vito back. Given how everyone in the entire organization felt about homosexuality it would have made Tony look weak to accept Vito back with Phil screaming about it.
