MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > The two most annoying TV kids ever

The two most annoying TV kids ever

Meadow and A.J. Soprano.


Too bad the Soprano's didn't have an ending. It would have been cool for the gunman in the restaurant open up on Meadow and A.J. Tony of course would black out from his nervous condition when he spotted the gunman reaching...


Whenever I re-watch "The Sopranos" I always skip over all their scenes. They are horribly acted and written characters. Tony's wife was pretty grating too. I would have loved it if Meadow, AJ and Carmela had all been wiped out at the end of season three and for the rest of the show Tony's only family was his mafia one.


๐•‹๐•™๐•’๐•ฅ would have been an awesome ending!!!


Tony's home life was pretty much played out by the end of season three.


Clearly you havenโ€™t seen Ray Donovan.


Be a bit odd if two materially spoiled and sheltered rich kids were always the most cuddliest characters. Would you like to elaborate further Rick on how they were supposed to be annoying and how you would like them to have been portrayed, because you haven't really left with us with much here...

There seems to be a thing where civilian characters on shows such as The Sopranos or Breaking Bad are held in more contempt than cold blooded killers. I think it has something to do with the fear, fascination, and degree of wish fulfillment that some viewers feel in watching criminal characters. Masculine notions also seem to play into it. I've been thinking about starting a topic about it but from the looks of things, it doesn't seem like there are many here that want to engage seriously...
