
I found this great, My boyfriend is a big star wars/star trek sci-fi comic book fan, and I was always a horror fan, but never really that big on comic books,so we can both really relate to each other with our love of memorabilia and i dunno some of the lines and sequences I just thought were hillarious..especially the bully scene :)

the raven soars upon the wind, just as a dream can disguise a demon.


I love this movie, my wife on the other hand only found it simi-funny cuz it all related to me: Comic's, Logan's Run, Star Trek, & Star Wars plus the fact that I watched this when I was 30.

I don't wear a black trench coat, Lobo shirt and she's thankful for it. But this is also the reasons why I related to the movie so well. The Characters where normal looking guys who just had a love for the Fanboy things in life.

*Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery*


lol, exactly ted, though I'm a girl I related to it as well, and though my knowledge is more horror based than sci-fi based, my fiancee has been informing me of the greater details in the sci-fi world, while I have slowly been introducing my genre to him. The Fanboy thing is something I find exists in everyone in one way or another, just like the shoe scene in the movie, when he asks her how many pairs of shoes she owns, I'm a 20 yera old girl, I should own like 30 some odd pairs of shoes. I own one pair, wear the hell out of them, then get an exact replica, only changing if the style i like is retired. I called my fiancee while i watched this movie at work, and he had to come look it up because i told him what it was about and he about pissed himself laughing at the little snippets he found on here. I thought this was a great mofunnier by far than any parody out there.

the raven soars upon the wind, just as a dream can disguise a demon.
