RM Burnette Rocks

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to say that after I saw Free Enterprise for the first time I went online to the website and emailed the director. Of course i didn't espect him to email me back. But to my supprise he did! In fact, RM Burnette even let me interview him for my Media Managment class paper last year. He's a great guy, a fellow nerd. I mean, we had a big discussion about star wars, star trek and lord of the rings. The kind of guy who I wished my friends were more like.

I trust him to make Free Enterprise 2 as funny, cool, and nerdy as the first.





I'm a little surprised that if you think the guy is as cool as you do that you don't spell his name right...

BURNETT. No "e" at the end.

Just sayin'...

And yes, he does rock. I met him at Wondercon (S.F.) earlier this year and hung out with him at SiliCon (San Jose). He's a great guy.

DVDs I own: http://dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=brandeks
