MovieChat Forums > Free Enterprise (1999) Discussion > ***** SPOILER ***** Last Scene with Shat...

***** SPOILER ***** Last Scene with Shatner

****** SPOILER ******

I just finished watching this movie and thought I would die laughing with that Rap version of Anthony's speech.




It was Shat-tastic!

"You can wake up now, the universe has ended" - James Dean, Rebel Without a Cause


If you think that wasn't half bad, you guys really need to listen to his album "Has Been". I swear to god, between this film and said album, Bill has completely won my admiration and respect as an artist, and I used to be one of his most fervent detractors!
Honestly, it's worth buying, and not downloading!

Holy Kleenex, Batman! It was right under our nose and we blew it!


I just caught this delightful little movie on satellite, thus the late visit to the board. I have to second the vote for Has Been! I downloaded it on a lark but really enjoyed every bit of it. It's not a silly lark like Mr. Tambourine Man (though I dearly love that one for different reasons!), it's a legitimately good album. And yes, well worth the price...



That Shatner rap song was simply astonishing. I loved it!

I enjoy keeping busy. Satan finds work for idle hands.


The Julius Caesar rap is one of the greatest things put to film.


It is the highlight of the movie, not to say the rest isn't funny, but this damn near killed me

Nil carborundum illegtimi
