MovieChat Forums > Free Enterprise (1999) Discussion > Lauren Christy's SATELLITE

Lauren Christy's SATELLITE


Over the years, many people have asked me about Lauren Christy's SATELLITE (Love theme to FREE ENTERPRISE).

It was not included on the soundtrack for the film because it was a very, very late addition to the end titles.

I have the original MPEG 4 file we used in the film. It's of the highest quality.

If you'd like a copy of the file, simply e-mail me at [email protected]


That is all. is June 4th, 2009...the 10th anniversary of FREE ENTERPRISE's theatrical release.

It's also the 27th anniversary of the release of STAR TREK II - THE WRATH OF KHAN.

Have a better day,



That is quite cool of you. I've loved that song since the first time I watched the movie and it has since become one of my favorite songs. E-mail sent.


This has to be the only film I have in my collection that comes with after-sales service. :o)

Once I can find the login details to my webspace, I'll upload the file and post a link here so if anyone has web-providers as globally-despised as mine and has all their outgoing emails vetoed, at least there'll be another chance to get your fix.

Watch this space.


If I were human, I believe my response would be, 'Go to hell'


Robert is the nicest guy in the world! You have no idea how many times I have popped in the Free Enterprise DVD just to hear this song. Robert replied to my e-mail with Satellite in no time at all! Really cool. My wife and I love this movie. Thanks, Robert!
