MovieChat Forums > Free Enterprise (1999) Discussion > 'Endor' was an incorrect answer

'Endor' was an incorrect answer

When the ex-girlfriend calls for the crossword puzzle answer to "What is a five-letter planet in Star Wars?", both guys answer "Endor". Actually Endor was a moon. Yavin is the only five-letter "Planet" in Star Wars.

Ohhhh I'm such a geek!


Doesn't she say that it begins with E though?



Been a while since I watched the film so i'm not suprised i recalled the letter E wrong, but Robert is certainly right ;)



I get this A LOT.

Actually, the Death Star II was being constructed above the FOREST MOON of the PLANET ENDOR. Just like the Rebel Base in STAR WARS was on a MOON of the PLANET YAVIN (the Moon was actually Yavin 5 I believe...).

Thanks to all who bought the FREE ENTEPRISE extended edition...




Got mine only yesterday, cant't wait for HD version in 2007 :-)


RMB, thanks for your reply, it made my day. Your geek-fu is "impressive ... most impressive".




I have made all my friends watch Free Enterprise.
In 2001, I gave away over fifty copies of this film as presents. I bought them all at Hollywood Video.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to go to Tote on this.

The ? was ....

A five letter Star Wars Planet?

As a Classic Sci-fi Fan....there can be only one answer ......


I stood in line to see STAR bloody episode IV,V or VI.

I stood in line to see The Empire Strikes Back, that was Titled as <Logo Design>Star Wars <Big As* Print>- The Empire Strikes Back.

Same with Jedi.

Plus, almost all crossword puzzles give the title of the show in the clue....
DS9 Shapeshifter *D*

On the new DVD of Free Enterprise, there is a pilot for a show.
The Group talks about HOW BAD Phantom Menace is.........
Not Star Wars episode 1 : The Phantom Menace is.

For a Film like this One One Mistake is easy to forgive.....I did it in less than 12 parsecs.

Trek is the same as Classic Trek.
Next Gen was the copy that wasn't so bad.
DS9 had a slow start, but maybe one of the best of the series.
Voyager was Star Trek- Lost In Space....there were good episodes but...........
Enterprise <didn't even think they needed the Star Trek name>, Let me know if there were any good episodes before season IV.....that didn't have Jeff Combs in it!

Feel free to disagree, but that's the way I see it.

Living Long



You make a compelling arguement sir.

However, we picked Endor on purpose. If only because it was more obscure than Yavin. EVERYONE says "Yavin."

Besides, the explosion of the Empire's shield generator and landing platform in JEDI is my favorite explosion in the Original Trilogy. My second and third being the fourth TIE fighter and the original DEATH STAR explosion (not that added CGI Praxis wave crap).

So, respectfully, I disagree.

Best regards,



I'm sooooo glad to hear someone say that the original explosion was better than that CGI thing! I am constantly dumbfounded when the arguments of original vs. new editions stop with this item for everyone but me. Everyone hates that Han didn't shoot first. Some like seeing Jabba. But all my friends think that CGI is cool.

-Salome (the girl with the severed head)


i agree with your statement of original vs remade....not necessarily because it's better but more because it's how it was originally made and how it was presented. it kills the spirit of a film to remake it everytime technology advances. can you imagine clash of the titans redone so that all the claymation scenes were instead CGI? it'd be amazing in terms of the images rendered but horrible in killing the original movie and the people who fell in love with that version.

but that's just my take on want to re-do something; then entirely remake it and leave the original alone.




Just bought mine, too. Can't wait to see it when I get it.

Glad to see you here, RMB. FE is one of my top three fav films, along with Blade Runner and Rushmore.

Looking forward to the sequel...


Only just found out about the sequel here, but really enjoyed the first one, was one of the first DVD's I bought... The Julius Caesar rap (and the medallion)had me in stitches! :-D

Now I'm really looking forward to Free Enterprise 2 :-)


I just want to say I used to see Robert at conventions all the time. He's a great guy. I bought the original release and the new release of Free Enterprise and I've got a signed poster in my hallway by Robert and Mark. Thanks Robert. You wrote great minds think alike, after our discusions about Deep Space 9. Here's hoping F.E. II becomes a reality.


Thanks for making such a great movie!


All the kooky-doo with the Ewoks took place on a moon of Endor. Endor was a panet. It had a moon. The name of the moon was never mentioned. On this nameless moon, many Ewoks died, but not enough. This happened as the moon they were on orbited the planet named Endor.

Ewoks on moon, moon orbits Endor.

The real question is why they named it after Samantha Steven's mother...


Yep, Forrest moon of Endor...that is how I always remember it being refered to. It was the moon of the planet Endor. Just like we would say the rocky moon of Earth...doesn't mean that the moon's name is is a satellite of Earth.

reply will put this debate to rest Both the planet and the moon are named Endor.


It's is the moon of Endor, yes BUT...
It is called the "Century moon"
It's in a line the Emperor says to luke
"your friends down there on the Century moon blah blah blah" then he laughs.
It's when he's trying to wind him up so Luke will attack him.
Surely someone else must know this. I'm a fan but I'm hardly the kind that you would say knows everything about sci fi or anything.

So- anyway- the crossword answer is still right lol :)



I think he was saying "Sentry" Moon. As in, the moon was a sentry base for the Empire.



It's actually "Sanctuary Moon."

It's kill or be killed....and I don't want to be killed.


so give it a rest already!!



Lucas could have efter the sindarin name for Middle-Earth. It is Endor.



yeah, i ain't reading all that *beep* but since i actually used to read the SW data bank, yeah, the forest moon bears the same name of its mother planet, endor...check it out


The movies full of incorrect of the characters, whence drinking, quotes Aliens and says "MARINES..WE ARE LEAVING!", except in the film ALIENS, the character, Hicks, says "DRAKE..WE ARE LEAVING!".

Monster Squad for DVD in 2006:


It's called "paraphrasing", bunky.

DVDs I own:





Robert! How's it going?

DVDs I own:


No, it's called Misquoting.
Monster Squad for DVD in 2006:


Call it whatever you want, kiddo. Do you really think that a couple of guys who obviously know their $hit like Burnett and Altman are really going to accidentally misquote a movie, especially a sci-fi one? Also, does it really frakking matter?!

{rolls eyes}

DVDs I own:


Wow. What a colossal waste of time.

But what does it say about me when I add to it?


Seriously, back to the original debate...Endor vs. Yavin?

This was only given as an answer to a friggin' crossword puzzle--as if the author of said crossword puzzle would be the utmost authority on Star Wars, or ANYTHING for that matter--so RMB gets out of jail for free on this one no matter what.

Think, McFly! Think!


"I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people." -Marv


I consider myself a dork, but this thread makes me feel like James Dean.



I'm not going to read the whole thread, since I don't even know if it's a mistake or not (well, obviously I know that Endor is supposed to be a moon), I just wanted to say that this whole discussion fits the movie so well... lol And I love that.

I can do anything I want to Baby, I ain't lost



Okay, how 'bout this..?

In JEDI, "Endor" is name-checked by the characters.

In STAR WARS, does anyone actually SAY "Yavin?"

Once's the FOREST (or SANCTUARY) MOON of ENDOR. NOT the FOREST MOON ENDOR. It's the MOON of a PLANET...just like our moon is called THE MOON. The Moon of the Planet Earth.

So there.

And I can't believe I'm actually discussing this.

Best regards,



lol, seriously, I misheard her ask him for a 5 letter planet from Star Trek. Andor sounded correct to me when they answered. I guess I should turn up the volume next time, huh? ;)


Worst, thread, ever; I will only read it three more times--today.


Thanks roddmatsui. Accidental I assure you.

Now something for the director: BURNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETT! (KHAAAAAAAAAN!)

I still say it's Yavin.

Yoda: "What you expect after 800 years, English perfect?"


Seeing a post above from Deathstalker2 reminds me that Jim Wynorski is another director that chats with fans on imdb.


