What Robert SHOULD have done instead of hocking his computer
First of all, NOBODY lives without their computers, even in 1998 when this film takes place.
Robert pawned his computer at a pawn shop in order to buy yet another trinket. Rob is much smarter than this, MUCH smarter. Living as he does in Los Angeles; there are thrift stores and swap meets galore, all of them gold mines waiting to be, well, mined.
Had Rob kept his computer, he could have sold used stuff on ebay and made a fortune, especially in the good old days before John Donahoe ruined the experience for us sellers. But I digress.
Rob could have sold his own stuff on ebay, but we all know that he NEVER would have parted with his own precious sci-fi toys. HOWEVER, had he cruised the thrift stores on the weekdays and the swap meets on the weekends, he would have come up with sci-fi related toys and memorabilia (or anything valuable, for that matter) and sold it on the web to feed his habit, not to mention paying the bills and winning Claire's respect.