MovieChat Forums > Free Enterprise (1999) Discussion > Was Phil LaMarr suppose to be a 'token b...

Was Phil LaMarr suppose to be a 'token black character'?

The thought crossed my mind since there's not a single other black person in the whole movie (not even as an extra). During the surprise party scene, he even jokingly asks "and what about your friends of color, Richard?" after which they finally appear.
I just thought it might be the "black token guy" joke/comment.
I do apologize to Mark, Robert and Phil if this is not the case.


Folks, far as being a "Token" black guy...Mark and Rob have basically four really good friends between them. One is black, which means 25% of the supporting friend characters are people of color.


And don't forget Rated and his posse...

George "Stompy" Hollo


What about the Caesar's Rap skit with Shantner with the four "Black rappers! So he wasn't the only black person in the movie.


Interestingly, the surname of the black character on The Orville is Lamarr... an homage?
