MovieChat Forums > Varsity Blues (1999) Discussion > I was left with the impression that...

I was left with the impression that...

This movie's writers have 1) never been to Texas and 2) never been to high school.

Now, I realize that this is a kids' movie, and it has to be laid on thick so the little darlings will understand...but this seemed a dull and ignorant perpetuation of two-dimensional stereotypes for a cheap cash-in on teen pocket money.

I was disappointed...I'd hoped for more of a "Dazed and Confused" type of film.


Well, I don't know which part of Texas or the South you're from, but I was actually born and raised in a small Texas town, and it's true - People go crazy about high school football down there. It's pretty much all they have, and it's the close's thing those boys get to any type of fame that is their own that they have down there, and it's the only thing the people have to get excited about that is local.


I'm from small town East Texas, a variation on this stereotype: our team never wins, yet the funding and the parents are always there. Total football town, so yeah, I know what you mean. I was speaking more of the plot, dialogue, characters and speech. They took a real setting and crapped all over it. People probably actually believe this is how we are.

'Days of Thunder' did the same thing to NASCAR...I work with NASCAR drivers, and trust me, NOBODY ever got in a car first time and broke a speed record because they 'just could'...get what I mean? I do dislike a lot of the fans though.



I was never apart of the football crowd, so I don't know how realistic the story is. But if you're correct, then try to remember these are just films, and they are meant to entertain. Nothing more. If all of these movies were too realistic, I doubt anyone would go to see them when they can just go out and live them. Movies have to spice things up a bit so people will be interested.


Oh yeah, I know. Lol. I referenced that in my OP. I was just could've been a LITTLE realistic. Again, I cite 'Dazed and Confused'...not totally real, but not totally stupid. Cult classic.
