MovieChat Forums > Varsity Blues (1999) Discussion > Coach Kilmer Was A Lot Like My Old Coach...

Coach Kilmer Was A Lot Like My Old Coach!

Coach Kilmer played by Jon Voight was the typical "win at all costs"
high school football head coach. Yes he was a team leader who
strived to win though he seemed so obsessed to be winning at his
players expense. Now I did find one scene so implausible which
was where James Van der Beek witnessed one of his teammates about
to get an injection from the school's trainer. It must have been
for a pain killer and Coach Kilmer shut the door right before
his player took the injection. Now in no public or private high
school is any head coach of the school's varsity football team
going to encourage and even allow this practice to occur! Of
course the scene in question was done for dramatic effect though
still highly implausible. College sports and of course the pro
leagues certainly allow their athletes to receive pain killer
injections though not at the high school level! And Coach Kilmer
reminded me so much of my former high school head varsity
football coach in N. California whose name I won't mention.
Though will say that he was mean, rude, condescending, arrogant
and even racist! Both myself and the majority of my old
teammates couldn't stand nor even respected our old football
coach! By the way he took over the position at the beginning
of my senior year after being 1st assistant coach for many
years and we suffered through an embarrassing and humiliating
losing season that year! And no thanks to my former head coach!!!
Good riddance to him forever!!!

Lawrence Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


Try living in Texas then come back and talk.


Okay I hear you though I have never lived in Texas so I can
only go by what I have heard about high school football.
And good riddance to my former head football coach from
Campbell, California!!!

Lawrence Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


If at one time he called your dad, "a no talent ____, but at least he listened." Then i think we could say Kilmer is alot like your old coach.


No, Coach Wayne Brooks never said such a comment to my dad and if
he had then my father would've knocked my coach onto the ground!
I'm not kidding as my late father wouldn't have taken such crap
about his son from any high school coach! LOL!!!

Lawrence Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!

