MovieChat Forums > Varsity Blues (1999) Discussion > Paul Walker is Not Bad in This

Paul Walker is Not Bad in This

it shocks me. i mean it's not a tour de force performance but it was interesting watching this and then seeing some of his other work and noticing a significant downgrade. i mean he was good in Running Scared and Joy Ride but in stuff like Takes and the Fast & Furious films he's mediocre. he seems to be up and down as an actor. i actually thought he portrayed this role fairly well


Yeah I agree with you. I think its because Walker suits the star QB jock role to a tee and he wasn't the lead actor but put him in a leading role and you know the guy just can't act at all.


This accent was horrible though!


R.I.P Paul


Yeah he couldn´t do a southern accent. Let´s be frank, PW wasn´t the greatest actor in the world, it was more screen presence and looks more than anything else. In any case, Im not a stickler for accents since Im not American but I thought he was good in the role otherwise. Thought he was pretty good in Pleasantville too...
