No assistant coaches?

when lance takes over at the end dont u think the assistant coaches would have been wondering what the heck was going on?


No, you've got to realize that the Coach was an evil Nazi who probably fired his assistants for either being black, too old, too young, too stupid, or too smart. Needless to say, they didn't give Jon many options in playing that role :).


One of the funniest posts I've ever read. Hilarious hahahaha


I thought the same thing


I saw one in the previous games. But he disappeared at the last one.


Hilarious and true. There would have definitely been assistant coaches.



I posted this same question about 5 years ago. I guess I may have deleted it. Texas (along with Florida) is the mecca of High School football. My dad coached HS football for 30 years at a relatively small school and there were like 5 coaches. I typically let stuff go in movies, just for the sake of "its only a movie" but for some reason, this really bothered me. Great question!

"I'm with the Underhills."


In the game where Lance gets hurt and Moxton goes in, there definitely is one; the assistant helps Moxton get his helmet on and get ready to go in. Then for the touchdown sequence, Moxton does not understand the assistant coaches signal.

Plus I'm assuming there's one upstairs in the last game when Lance coaches since he's wearing a headset.

check out my site:


They're also in the locker room at halftime of the final game. Did they just disappear with Kilmer did? Also, they might need them for the State Playoffs the next week.



education cuts hurt football too.

Season's Greetings!
