tuh floorduh state? you mean he won't be able to go get a worthless degree from a third rate school that ducks competition, can only succeed if they cheat and backs down at the first sign of diversity? oh no! on second thought, that degree wouldnt be able to get him any job he couldnt get right now, as a hgh school senior sitting in a texas hospital room...
yeah, next time, do your research and pick a school worth something. eff florida state...
While I am a Gator fan, one of my degrees is from FSU, and I can say I do have a job that requires a little bit more than a high school degree. In terms of football, I'll be the first to point out that the Noles haven't always had the cleanest program, but they did win a national championship in 99, as well as in 93, so it's not so far fetched that they would pick FSU as a likely place for a new recruit to go when this movie was made.
Also did you mean *adversity*? Because I can definitely say FSU is not lacking in diversity.
the noles didn't "win" anything. in 93, they played Notre Dame and lost, then finished ahead f them in the polls. in 99, warrick should have been in jail. they cheated both times. screw them.
f^&k f$u. f&^lk 'em. the fictional kid is better off for not having gone there... AND any school worth their salt honors a scholarship if the kid gets hurt. it would be just like those cheating bas*&rds to screw a kid out of his scholarship if he got hurt before he came there. maybe they were a little more prescient than it seemed. who knoew. I guess hollywood is smarter than all of us.
and i don't know if you could tell, but that was written in the dialect of that character. he would probably mistake adversity for diversity.
sounds like someone is upset he didn't get into FSU (which means he didn't get into UF either). FSU was one of the top two programs of the 90s, making a football scholarship offer from there in '99 very prestigious.