MovieChat Forums > Varsity Blues (1999) Discussion > Richard Lineback's accent in the movie

Richard Lineback's accent in the movie

Has to be the worst attempt at a Southern accent ever, or maybe any accent period. This movie has always been one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies, but I cringe every time he opens his mouth in this movie.


I was purposely looking for a thread on this since I was watching the movie tonight.

I've never heard a Southern accent this's like a auditory caricature. It was a disgrace to every Dukkes of Hazzard episode I ever watched.

"Ow? Ow is not an acceptable kiai in this dojo, Mr. LaRusso."
- Mr. Terry Silver


Shouldn't it be a south-western accent? Calling a Texas accent southern is just as bad as so many Americans thinking that all Brits speak with the same accent. Oh wait, that would require the word "thinking" and "Americans" to be combined into a single sentence. Never mind!


Agreed. I wouldn't really lump a Texan accent in with "southern accents." I can forgive a movie that ignores the uppity, almost British-derived Virginia accent, or the more laid back drawl-without-the-twang from NC, or the distinctively languid quality of Georgia...according to the movies, everyone from NC to Georgia and all the way to the Mississippi River "speaks southern" in the same way. The deepest drawls and most pronounced twangs come from Mississippi and Alabama, and somehow they've been ascribed to the entire Southeastern US. And while Florida is mostly exempt, the panhandle is all too often ignored as having its own distinct brand of "southerness."

But by the time you get to Texas, we're talking a different accent altogether, related to but ultimately distinct from any other regional accents.


I don't really notice the small things or nit-pick. Life is too short. I just watch the movie. If I like it, I finish it. If I don't, I don't finish it. I prefer to nit-pick things that matter such as stuff in real life.


To me, pretty much every accent in this movie is terrible but his is by far the worst. Everyone's is really bad and fake though.


I agree wholeheartedly; I currently reside in Arizona and I've lived in Texas, Florida, and Georgia so I know what a Texas accent sounds like whether it be out of the Houston area, San Antonio or the Panhandle, etc.
I really like this movie and just caught it again on NetFlix, and I was cringing at these attempts too. So I came on here to see if it was only me that is of the opinion that the quality of the acting was rather poor in this regard.
It's not really "nitpicking" to me if the flow of the story is continually interrupted by poor acting, and I realize that others may not even notice. But, one of the primary points of the story is that the star players all grew up in Texas, and were reared by Texans that lived in the same town. So for those of us that do notice the piss poor accents, it's a fairly major thing, at least to me. Only my opinion for what it's worth!


His delivery of "Guess bad hands runs in the family" cracks me up!


I know this is an old post but I came here to say the exact same thing. My God it was the most annoying, horrible southern accent I have ever heard. I'm surprised he was allowed to speak at all. Ugh.


What's so ironic about it is that he is a native Texan
