MovieChat Forums > Varsity Blues (1999) Discussion > Bud Kilmer has been nominated for the M...

Bud Kilmer has been nominated for the Movie Coach Hall of Fame

Yes, Bud Kilmer is one of the select few coaches in movie history that have been nominated for the Buttermaker Hall of Fame.

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They need to get John Kreese in the movie coach hall of fame!

Cobra Kai never dies!!


How about Coach Lubbock from Growing Pains/Just the Ten of Us...

This is for Allah... and it's going way out there sucka...


How about John Goodman in Revenge of the Nerds?

You are gonna like these tacos boy, they taste just like steak.


How about John Goodman in Revenge of the Nerds?

Good Call!

And Roy Turner from the bad news bears

Virgins. I love em. No diseases, no loose as a goose pussy, no skank. No nothin. Just pure pleasure!


Ballbreaker from Porky's

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 
