MovieChat Forums > Varsity Blues (1999) Discussion > What exactly was in that needle?

What exactly was in that needle?

I get the whole assumption that it's a steroid but would steroids fix a knee that something "popped" out of place? I didn't think they worked like that. It's an illegal, unethical way of getting bigger but it's not a miracle cure that would have enabled that player to get up and walk and play the rest of the game, is it?


Most likely it was a cortisone injection. Cortisone is an anti-inflammatory medication, but in real life I don't think it would work fast enough to allow the kid to play without pain in the 2nd half.


I Know there is a legal non steroid teams in nfl give players if they are playing injured that makes them feel little to no pain of the injury they are playing through im just not sure what it is called.


Novacaine or Lidocaine.
Pain masking / reducing along with an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling

Director Vance I am sure you are shocked and appalled at that"


There are stories from the past few seasons about NFL players getting cortisone shots at halftime, then returning to the game as if nothing happened. It might take a little time for it to kick in, but it could someone back in the game.

"If I'm wrong, I'll pay for it. But if I'm right you're gonna hear about it."


Cortisone. It's used all the time in almost every sport.


Semen was in that needle


Well I thought doing that made the coach terrible, but if it's used in lots of sports on lots of players and no big deal, then well, what's the big deal for the coach, why does that make him so terrible?


Because these are High School kids and not professionals getting paid millions of dollars!!!



In addition to the answer already given, it wasn't like they were just carrying small knocks and would be fine after the game with a bit of rest - Lance had scar tissue round his knee and I get the impression had been getting the needle for quite some time, not just in the first game we're shown. Wendell had actually torn something - playing on it would have potentially damaged him permanently.
Even in pro sports, I get the impression that painkilling injections are only used as a one off it it's a sprain a bruise or something, not before every game and not for a tear or a break.
That's why it makes him so terrible


It was most likely lidocaine with epinephrine. The lido would numb the pain and the epi would decrease blood flow so that the numbing effect would last longer. Steroids would not be effective "sideline drugs" because they have a very slow onset but a long duration of action. Sodium channel blocking anesthetics, on the other hand, work very quickly and have a short duration, hence the need for the epinephrine slow down the washout time.
