Too Written

So much of what David E. Kelly writes is SO written. It makes it tough to believe that the characters are actual people who could actually exist. Even when you have a cast of (mostly) good actors, they can't make the dialogue sound like anything but a script.


Not sure I've ever felt that way watching this movie, but movie dialogue is almost always different from the way people talk in real life.

It's a fun movie and, considering the subject matter, I've surprised even myself with how many times I've seen it. It's a B-movie with an A-list cast and I think the results are quite entertaining.

Bridget Fonda is great.


Totally agree


Not to mention the rapid-fire dialogues are genuinely amusing in a droll way. Plus, while the relationships of the protagonists are what psychologists would call conflict-habituated, the movie has a warm heart if one sticks with it till the end. For instance, note how Kelly kisses the Sheriff goodbye.
