7.3? Really?
I don't post on here very often, but I just saw Go, and was so shocked by it's rating that I felt compelled to say something.
So, what is it that people enjoy about this movie? The all-around bad acting? The ridiculous writing? The completely unbelievable and under-developed characters and the totally unrealistic choices they make? Or is it the general silliness of the overall plot?
I only decided to watch this movie because I thought Sarah Polley was amazing in The Secret Life of Words - however, she played basically the same kind of character in Go, so maybe she's just one-note. The rest of the cast was just awful. I had no sympathy or empathy for any of the characters, as they were all two-dimensional caricatures with no hint of back-story given, and no reason to care what happens to them. And, with the exception of one or two people, the acting was pretty awful. Simon was an odd example of this - the actor really is British, so why did his accent sound like a mish-mashed parody of all English accents? Plus, he's an utterly crap actor.
The part I disliked the most was the entire "Simon" vignette. First of all, all four of those guys are terrible actors, their characters are completely unrealistic and boring, and most of the action was completely unbelievable. I mean, stealing a car? Shooting a guy? Really? Besides all of that, what's with the strip club bouncer and his dad? What are they, mafiosos? I understand the concept of suspension of disbelief, but come on. This is too much.
I also have to mention the kids on the fake ecstasy; maybe if they had never done X and had no idea what to expect, then their minds could make some placebo effects occur... but if they had any experience whatsoever, they would know they had been ripped off. But that's a minor detail.
Speaking of drugs, the representation of drug culture in this movie is some the worst and most unrealistic I have ever seen. Having indulged a few times myself, the only thing I could respect was the visual blurriness/lagging and the sweating of the kid that ate two pills. That was fairly believable.
I'm not a complete movie snob. I do enjoy some light-hearted, brainless entertainment from time to time. But the fact that this movie was attempting to dress itself up as a serious drug/crime movie - albeit with a (supposedly) comedic slant - made me resent it.
To me, this movie seemed like a teenagers MTV-ized vision of the drug world he has never experienced first-hand.