Ronna's story sucked, it hit too close to home for me, being poor and stooping to selling drugs and the Mannie character was a stupid *beep* Ecstacy is not fun like that, it makes you stupid and causes you to turn into a blithering idiot. I've never had fun on ecstacy unless i had a ton of pot to cool me down.
Ronna's was my favorite because it was so intense and dark.
Simon's was just fun to watch and threw in some much-needed comedy.
Meanwhile, I thought Zach and Alex's part was just a little too weird. I'm a huge William Fichtner fan, but that whole storyline was pointless and painful. The first half of the segment, Fichtner's story and then the tangent with Zach and Alex's mutual boyfriend, just seemed to take away the punch, intensity, and momentum that the first two segments built up. Once their story crossed paths with Ronna's though, it picked the pace back up for a reasonably satisfying ending.
Ronna's. I tend to just watch the beginning for Ronna's story, and I usually get bored and stop with Simon's story, however, I really like Adam and Zack's story.
Ronna and Simon. I don't even bother to count Adam and Zack's storyline because it added nothing to the film. For me, Ronna set up the movie, Simon gave it crazy fun and Adam and Zack.......killed it. That storyline brought down the entire momentum of the first two.
Adam and Zack wasn't meant to have any momentum. The whole purpose of that segment was to mesh everything together and tie up all the loose ends, such as "Who ran over Ronna?" and "Who was that guy in the house with Adam and Zack?"