No they aren't. There was originally a twist ending. It was in the script and it was filmed, hence acted, that way. It was then edited out.
Actually, I found a script online that contains something like the twist ending the OP is describing - that is, it turns out that Annette is just as scheming and devious as Kathryn, and shows up in her bedroom to gloat about how she 'owns' her now that she has Sebastian's journal and knows all of Kathryn's secrets.
However: 1. the script doesn't bear a lot of resemblance to the finished movie, making me think it was an early draft so I don't think that scene was ever filmed and 2. I couldn't find anything in that scene to suggest that Annette was playing Sebastian too, or that she didn't love him. She seemed more angry at Kathryn than anything else, and it plays more like "I've got your number and I'm going to beat you at your own game" than "ha ha I was playing you and your stepbrother the whole time."
In other words, I don't think they filmed or acted the movie with the thought that Annette was going to turn out to be a horrible person. I think they may have toyed with making her that way, but abandoned the idea before it got to the shooting stage. At least, I can't find any evidence to suggest otherwise.